Fuchs Laboratory Database
Fuchs Petrolub based in Germany manufactures and distributes lubricants and related specialty products around the world. The group, with its headquarters in Mannheim, is ranked number one among the world’s independent lubricant providers. The wholly owned Australasian subsidiary has been supplying specialized lubricants since the late 1890s. Fuchs Australasia is the leading market player in many lubricant sectors, producing an extensive range of specialist lubricants services supported by 12 qualified laboratory technicians. Manufacturing facilities are located in Melbourne, Perth and Newcastle. Fuchs Lubricants provide an unrivaled personalized focus to its customer-base with 12 distribution sites throughout Australia and New Zealand and over 90% of products manufactured locally.
The Requirements
Fuchs’ main concern is the lack of data processing consistency between their laboratory and the factory. While the laboratory database contains vital information about the oil products made in the Australian factory, the data are not automatically shared with the factory via data syncing thus the latter fails to provide its prospects and clients alike with accurate product information. Moreover, Fuchs noted productivity loss due to repetition of product testing and/or modifications of chemicals on particular product because when data input are made in the laboratory, they don’t sync with the factory’s database.
The Results
The issue is crystal clear. Fuchs needs a data syncing application to keep the two separate databases up to date with each other's data changes. Having said those, we developed an application to synchronise real time data updates between the two databases. From thereon, the factory staffs are able to give updated and precise product information to their customers, vendors and suppliers. The software made Fuchs’ data sharing processes and procedures seamless and streamlined. Fuchs gained time and money savings, improved productivity at the same time sustained their customer credibility.