Start moving your business forward.
Increase your productivity by utilising an all-encompassing CMS.
Through the subscription component on your website, customers can opt to receive informative content or promotions from your company and subscribe to a service rather than make a single purchase.
WebeEd’s Subscription Module will help you build brand loyalty, a commitment made possible by solid customer relationships.
Some of the subscription models you do using WebEd's Subscription Modules are:
Subscribers will receive digital newsletters of various topics particular to your line of business or industry
Paying subscribers will receive exclusive access to your special promotions or researches
Paying members get an exclusive access to a library of information on topics related to your business and their field of interest
WebEd Subscription Module is FREE to use. It is designed to help you manage all aspects of the online subscription components.
READ THE USER GUIDEIncrease your productivity by utilising an all-encompassing CMS.